1. Apartheid
Meaning: বর্ণবৈষম্য, বর্ণবাদ, জাতিবিদ্বেষ
Part of speech: noun (mass noun)
Synonym: Segregation, Race-hatred
Antonym: Indiscrimination
2. Shackle
Meaning:বাধা, হাতকড়া, শিকল
Part of speech: Noun, Verb (with obj)
Synonym: chain, fetter, obstacle
Antonym: free,
3. Reconciliation
Meaning: সমন্বয় সাধন, পুনর্মিলন, সময় সাধন, মিটমাট
Part of speech: Noun
Synonym: reunion, conciliation, reconcilement
Antonym: estrangement, alienation
4. Embody
Meaning: বহন করা, ধারণ করা, সংগত করা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: personify, incorporate, incarnate, give human form to, symbolize Antonym: discarnate, dissimilate
5. Imprison
Meaning: অবরুদ্ধ করা, কারারুদ্ধ করা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: incarcerate, jail, confine, detain, hold captive, put behind the bar Antonym: free, release
6. Resolve
Meaning: সমাধান
Part of speech: noun, verb
Synonym: determination, resoluteness, settle, solve
Antonym: irresoluteness
7. Emancipation
Meaning: শৃঙ্খলা-মাচন, স্বাধীনতা
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: liberation, salvation, redemption
Antonym: enslavement, slavery, restriction
8. Determined
Meaning: দৃঢ় প্রতিজ্ঞা, নির্ধারণ করা
Part of speech: Adjective, verb
Synonym: resolute, resolved, adamant, unwavering
Antonym: irresolute, weak-willed, pusillanimous
9. Minority
Meaning: সংখ্যা লঘু, লঘুতা
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: smaller number, dissent
Antonym: majority
10. Discrimination
Meaning: বৈষম্য, ভেদাভেদ
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: prejudicial treatment, disparity, difference Antonym: Equality, parity
11. Intensely
Meaning: তীব্রভাবে
Part of speech: adverb
Synonym: extremely, vehemently, bitterly
Antonym: lightly, softly
12. Manifestation
Meaning: প্রকাশ, বাস্তবায়ন, উদ্ভাস,
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: exposition, demonstration exhibition, illustration, revelation Antonym:
12. Chasm
Meaning: ফাটল,গভির খাদ
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: fissure, gorge, fracture, cleft,
cavity, gap, crevice
13. Healing
Meaning: আরোগ্য, নিরাময়
Part of speech: noun, (but verb in general)
Synonym: medication, cure, remedy, recovery, recover Antonym: deterioration
14. Wound
Meaning: খত, আঘাত, জখম
Part of speech: noun, verb
Synonym: bruise, injury, sore, lesion, hurt, injure
Antonym: heal
15. Negotiate
Meaning: মীমাংসা করা, দরাদরি করা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: arbitrate, discuss terms, compromise, bargain Antonym:
16. Prominent
Meaning: বিশিষ্ঠ, উল্লেখযোগ্য
Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: important, eminent, distinguished, notable, noteworthy, renowned, acclaimed, esteemed
Antonym: unimportant, obscure, unknown
17. Dignity
Word meaning: মর্যাদা, সান, গৗরব
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: stature, honor, nobleness, nobility, majesty, regality, loftiness, grandeur, magnificence
Antonym: ignominy, low rank, dishonor
18. Advocate
Word meaning: প্রতিনিধ, সমর্থক, উকিল
Part of speech: noun, verb
Synonym: upholder, supporter, promoter, patron
Antonym: critic, reject
19. Remain
Word meaning: অবশিষ্ট, বাকি পড়ে থাকা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: continue to exist, endure, persist, stay,live on
Antonym: cease to exist, depart, leave
20. Laureate
Meaning: রাজকবি, প্রসিদ্ধ, বিজয়ী
Part of speech: noun, adjective
Synonym: celebrated
21. Mythic
Meaning: অতিমানিবক, পৗরাণিক,মনগড়া, কাল্পনিক
Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: legendary, mythical, fictitious, imaginary
Antonym: real, factual,
22. Stature
Meaning: খ্যাতি, মর্যাদা, দৈহিক উচ্চতা
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: dignity, nobility respect, importance,
Antonym: disgrace, ignominy
23. Revered
Meaning: সম্মানিত
Part of speech: adjective, verb
Synonym: respected, admired, adored, glorified, worshipped, think highly of someone Antonym: despised, disrespected
24. Combine
Meaning: মিলিত করা, এক করা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: amalgamate, assemble, unite, integrate,fuse, blend, mingle, unify, mix,
Antonym: separate, split up, differentiate
25. Sparkle
Meaning: সজীব, সজীবতা,ঝকঝকে
Part of speech: noun, verb
Synonym: lustre, glitter, glint, glisten, twinkle, flicker, flash, blink, wink, shimmer, shine, gleam Antonym: dark
26. Unwavering
Meaning: অবিচল, বাধাহীন, অটল
Part of speech: adjective, verb
Synonym: steady, resolute, resolved, firm, steadfast, unswerving, unfluctuating, unfaltering, persistent, unyielding, unshakeable
Antonym: wavering, unsteady, indecisive
27. Epicenter
Meaning: উপকেন্দ্র
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: epicentre
28. Remark
Meaning: মন্তব্য করা, উেল্লেখ করা
Part of speech: verb, noun
Synonym: comment, observe, mention, reflect, state, declare, notice
29. Offence
Meaning: অপরাধ, পাপ, অবমাননা
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: crime, unlawful act, breach of the law, violation of the law, felony, misconduct, delinquency, peccadillo, sin, transgression, infringement, shortcoming, fault, lapse Antonym: Defense, defence
30. Dock
Meaning: কাঠগরা, ফিরঘাট
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: witness box, barrier
31. Dedicate
Meaning: উৎসর্গকরা, নিবেদিত করা, সমর্পণ করা
Part of speech: verb, adjective
Synonym: commit, devote, offer, sacrifice, devout
Antonym: indifferent, apathetic, uncommitted
32. Cherish
Meaning: লালন করা, স্নেহ করা,
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: adore, love, feel great affection for, dote on, admire, protect
Antonym: neglect, abandon
33. Democratic
word meaning: গণতান্ত্রিক
Part of speech: adjective
Antonym: undemocratic
34. Harmony
Meaning: সাদৃশ্য , সমন্বয়, মিল, ঐকতান
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: accord, agreement, coherence, congruence, euphony, consonance, mellifluousness Antonym: dissonance, disagreement
35. Opportunity
Meaning: সুযোগ, সুবিধা
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: possibility, scope, chance, convenience, advantage
Antonym: inconvenience
36. Achieve
Meaning: অর্জন করা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: accomplish, acquire, attain, reach, arrive at, obtain, secure, seize Antonym: lose. fail
37. Laud,
Meaning: প্রশংসা করা, গুণকীতন করা
Part of speech: verb
Synonym: praise, glorify, applause, admire
Antonym: denigrate, condemn
38. Fondly
Meaning: কামলভােব, স্নেহে
Part of speech: adverb
Synonym: affectionately, tenderly
Antonym: uncaringly
39. Clan
Meaning: বংশ, জািত, গোষ্ঠী
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: tribe, group, race, community
40. Multi-racial
Meaning: বহুজাতিক
Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: diversified
Antonym: mono-racial
41. Stigma
Meaning: দাগ, কালি
Part of Speech: noun
Synonym: stain, a mark of disgrace Antonym: honour