English For Today HSC: Eating Habit and Hazards Word Meanings

Read Word Meanings of the chapter ‘Eating Habit and Hazards‘ in the link below :

Summary of ‘The Luncheon’ by William Somerset Maugham

Eating Habit and Hazards Word Meanings :

Word Synonyms
1. Habit (noun 

স্বভাব, অভ্যাস 

Antonym: inexperience, dishabituation

practice, custom, pattern, routine, style, convention, policy, way, manner, mode, norm, tradition, rule, tendency, propensity, inclination, bent, proclivity, proneness, disposition, predisposition 
2. Hazards ( noun )

বিপত্তি, বিরুপ প্রভাব, ঝুকি


Antonym: security, protection 

danger, risk, peril, threat, menace,difficulty, problem, pitfall, jeopardy, perilousness, endangerment, imperilment
3. Playwright ( noun )



Antonym: Not Applicable

dramatist, dramaturgist 
4. Lucid ( noun )

সহজবোধ্য,  স্পষ্ট 

Antonym: confused, delirious, incoherent, vague 

transparent, clear, crystalline, colourless, diaphanous, immaculate, coherent 
5. Admire ( verb )

প্রশংসা করা, তারিফ করা 

Antonym: condemn, vilify, defame, disapprove of, loathe

applaud, praise, commend, approve of, favor, appreciate respect, hold in high esteem, 

compliment, speak highly of

6. Luncheon ( noun )

মধ্যাহ্নজোজ, দুপুরেরখাবার 


Antonym: Not Applicable

lunch, a formal lunch 
7. Humor ( noun )

মেজাজ, কৌতুকরস 

Antonym: seriousness 

mood, temper, disposition, temperament, state of mind 


8.Irony ( noun )

পরিহাস, বিদ্রুপ 


Antonym: sincerity, logic 

sarcasm, sardonicism, cynicism, sharpness, acerbity, acid, bitterness, trenchancy, mordancy, 
9. Lavish (adjective)

অতিরিক্ত খরচ করার প্রবনতা, টাকা উড়ানো, উদারচিত্ত


Antonym: meager, frugal, mean, scant 

sumptuous, luxurious, luxuriant, costly, opulent, grand, elaborate, splendid, rich, regal, ornate, expensive
10. Expense ( noun, verb )

খরচ, ব্যায় 

Antonym: Income 

cost, price, expenditure charge, outlay, fee, tariff, toll, levy, payment, amount, rate 
11. Sight (noun)

দর্শন, নজর, দৃষ্টি

Antonym: oversight, invisibility

eyesight, vision, come into view, visual perception, observation
12. Beckon ( noun, verb )

ইশারা, সংকেত দেয়া, ইঙ্গিতকরা 

Antonym:Not Applicable

gesture, signal, wave, gesticulate, make a gesture, motion, nod, call
13.Interval ( noun )


Antonym: continuity

intermission, interlude, entr’acte, interim, break, recess, pause, gap
14. Mention ( verb )

উল্লেখ করা 

, Antonym: conceal ,hide 

allude to, refer to, touch on, hint at, raise, introduce
15. Hardly ( adverb )

কদাচিৎ, কষ্টকর, কঠিন ভাবে

Antonym: fully, regularly 

scarcely, barely, faintly, narrowly, slightly, rarely, little
16. Recognize ( verb )

চিনতে পারা , স্বিকার করা 


Antonym: forget,overlook 

identify, acknowledge, 

remember, recall, recollect, call to mind 

17. Address (verb, noun)

সম্বোধন, পিরচয় করা 


Antonym: avoid 

evoke, summon, accost , speech, location
18. Brightly ( adverb )



Antonym: palely 

glaringly, lively 
19. Overlook ( verb )

উপেক্ষা করা, মার্জনা করা, উচুহতে পর্যাবেক্ষণ করা 

Antonym: spot, notice,punish 

ignore, miss, fail to notice, fail to observe, leave unnoticed, forgive, observe 


20. Cemetery ( noun )

গরস্থান , সমাধিকেন্দ্র

Antonym: Not Applicable

graveyard, churchyard, burial ground, garden of remembrance, bone-yard, tomb 
21. Barely ( adverb )

কোনমতে, কেবলমাত্র 


Antonym: easily 

hardly, scarcely, just, only just, narrowly, by a very small margin, by the narrowest of margins 
22. Presently ( adverb )


Antonym: pastly 

at present, currently, at this moment, nowadays, these days, today
23. Afterwards (adverb) 

ভবিষ্যতে, পরে 


Antonym: before 

later, later on, subsequently, then, after that, following that, next, eventually, after a period of time, in due course
24. Beyond ( preposition ) 

বহুদূরে, ব্যতীত, দূরে

Antonym: near, close, within 

far, outside, the farther side of, behind, past, after, out of
25.Flatter ( verb )

তোষামোদ করা, চাটুকারিতা করা, পটানো, পটে যাওয়া 


Antonym: disparage, disdain 

eulogize, false praise, persuade
26. Modest ( adjective )



Antonym: immodest, impolite, boastful, conceited, grand ,grandiose, flamboyant 

polite, decent, gentle, moderate, unpretentious, humble, unpresuming, unostentatious, free from vanity, keeping, 

shy, bashful, timid, reserved, retiring, media-shy, reticent, quiet, coy, blushing, meek, docile, mild, apologetic 

27. Cut out ( verb )

বাদ দেওয়া 


Antonym: add 

exclude, eliminate, rule out, 
28. Correspondence (noun )

পত্র বিনময় করে

Antonym: Not Applicable

29. Appearance (noun)

: আবির্ভাব, উপস্থিতি 


Antonym: disappearance, departure 

letter, mail, post, communication, similarity 

advent, presence, arrival, emergence, look, countenance, mien

30. Imposing ( adjective )

মনোরম , প্রতারণাপূর্ণ 

Antonym: unimposing, modest 

deceptive, insidious, impressive in appearance, eye-catching, dramatic, spectacular, staggering, stunning, awesome, awe-inspiring, remarkable, formidable,splendid, grand, majestic, august, lofty, stately, dignified, resplendent 
31. Rather (adverb) 

বরং, ইহা অপেক্ষা বরং 

Antonym: Not Applicable

more precisely, to be precise, to be exact, correctly speaking
32. Impression ( noun )

প্রভাব, ছাপ 

Antonym: Not Applicable

impact, influence, mark, reputation, suspicion, apprehension
33. Talkative ( adjective )


Antonym: taciturn, reticent 

chatty, loquacious, garrulous, voluble, conversational, gossipy, chattery, chattering,communicative 
34. Inclined (adjective)

উৎসাহি, আগ্রহপূর্ণ, ইচ্ছুক 

Antonym:disinclined, unlikely 

disposed, desirous, enthusiastic, minded, willing, ready, prepared predisposed
35. Attentive ( adjective )



Antonym: inattentive,inconsiderate 

alert, awake, watchful, observant, perceptive, percipient, aware, noticing, heedful, mindful, vigilant, on guard, on the qui vive
36. Startle ( verb )

হকচকিয়ে উঠা, চমকানো, আঁতেক ওঠা 

Antonym: put at ease 

surprise, frighten, scare, alarm, shock, amaze, perturb, unsettle, agitate, disturb, disconcert, disquiet 
37. Anticipate ( verb )

ধারণা করা , অনমুান করা 


Antonym: lag behind, dread

expect, foresee, predict, forecast, prophesy, foretell, contemplate the possibility of, allow for, be prepared for 
38. Generously ( adverb )

উদার ভাবে 


Antonym: greedily

kindly, magnanimously, benignantly
39. Caviare ( noun )

একপ্রকার মাছের ডিম 


Antonym: Not Applicable

Not Applicable
40. Sink (p. Sank) [verb ]

চমকানো, ধক ধক করা, ডুবে যাওয়া 


Antonym: float 

succumb, immerse, drown 


41. Afford (verb)

সামর্থ থাকা 

Antonym: unbearable 

bear, sustain, stand, carry
42. Unwise (adjective)

মুর্খতাপূর্ণ, অবিবেচক, বোকামি 

Antonym: wise, sensible 

foolish, thoughtless, injudicious, goofy, ill-advised, imprudent 
43. Promptly (adverb) 

চটপট , তৎক্ষণাৎ 


Antonym: late , slowly 

instantaneously, quickly, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, fast, as soon as possible, ASAP, expeditiously 

at once, immediately, straight away, right away, without delay, without hesitation, forthwith, directly, instantly, instaby unhesitatingly 

44. Proceed (verb)

অগ্রসর হওয়া, চলেত থাকা 

Antonym: stop, discontinue 

continue, begin, make a start, get going, move, go on, make progress
45. Digestion ( noun )

হজম, পরিপাক 


Antonym: indigestion

dissolution,assimilation, absorption, ingestion
46. Hospitable (adjective) 

অতিথিপরায়ন, বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ

Antonym: inhospitable, unfriendly

welcoming, friendly, congenial, genial, sociable, convivial, cordial, gracious, amicable, amenable, helpful, accommodating, neighbourly, warm-hearted, kind, kind-hearted, generous, liberal, bountiful, open-handed 
47. Effusive ( adjective )

প্রবল ভাবে আবেগ প্রকাশ


Antonym: restrained 

gushy, unrestrained, unreserved, extravagant, fulsome, demonstrative, lavish, enthusiastic, exuberant, ebullient
48. Amicable ( adjective )


Antonym: unfriendly, hostile 

friendly, good-natured, cordial, hospitable, courteous, polite, easy-going, neighbourly, brotherly, fraternal, harmonious, cooperative, civilized 
49.Trifle (noun)

তুচ্ছ পরিমাণ, অল্প


Antonym: great amount, crucial 

unimportant, unimportant thing, trivial matter, trivial thing, triviality, matter of no importance, thing of no importance, bagatelle, inessential
50. Pale ( adjective )

ম্লান, বিবর্ন, ফেকাশে


Antonym: bright, vivid 

faded , flabby, discoloured, bleak, white, tarnished 
51. Casually ( adverb )

উদ্দশ্যহীনভাবে, আকস্মিক ভাবে

Antonym: carefully 

vainly, miraculously, without purpose
52. Forbidden (adjective)


Antonym: permitted, legal 

prohibited, banned, debarred, vetoed, not allowed, disallowed, illegal, impermissible, not acceptable, unauthorized, unsanctioned 
53. Gaily ( adverb )

ফূর্তিতে, সনন্দে

Antonym: miserably, sombrely,anxiously 

merrily, cheerfully, cheerily, happily, joyfully, joyously, light-heartedly, blithely, jauntily, gleefully, with pleasure 
54. Task ( noun )

কর্মভার চাপানো, কাজ 

Antonym: leisure

job, duty, chore, charge, labour, assignment, function, engagement, exercise. 
55. Wave ( verb, noun )

ইশারা করা, ঢেউ 


Antonyms: Not Applicable

beckon, sign, gesture 
56. Gesture ( noun )

অঙ্গিভঙ্গি করা 

Antonym: Not Applicable

signal, posture, sign, hint, make a gesture, motion, wave, indicate, gesticulate
57. Conversation ( noun )

আলাপ আলোচনা , কেথোপকথন 

Antonym: speech, oration

discussion, colloquy, talk, chat, gossip, head-to-head, exchange, dialogue, parley, conference 
58. Horribly ( adverb )

ভয়াবহ, ভয়ংকরভাবে


Antonym: pleasantly, slightly 

dreadfully, terribly 
59. Often (adverb )


Antonym: seldom, rarely, never

frequently, many times, many a time, on numerous occasions, a lot, in many cases,repeatedly, again and again, time and again, over and over again, regularly, recurrently, continually, usually, habitually, commonly, generally, ordinarily,
60. Asparagus (noun) 

শতমূলী, সবজি বিশেষ 


Antonym: Not Applicable

Not Applicable


61. Giant (adjective, noun) 

দৈত্য আকৃতির, বিশাল, 


Antonym: tiny, miniature 

huge, gigantic, monstrous, prodigious, demon
62. Watered (verb) 

লালা ঝড়া 

Antonym: plain

dribble​, slaver, water 
63. Priest ( noun )

ধর্মজাজক, পন্ডিত 


Antonym: layman

clergyman, clergywoman, minister of religion, cleric, ecclesiastic, pastor, parson, churchman, father 
64. Splendid (adjective)


Antonym: modest, unimpressive, ordinary, indistinguishable, ,dreadful, awful, horrible 

magnificent, sumptuous, grand, impressive, superb, spectacular, resplendent, opulent, luxurious, palatial, deluxe, rich, fine, costly, expensive, lavish, ornate, gorgeous, glorious, dazzling, elegant, handsome, beautiful 
65. Tender ( adjective )

কচি, কোমল 

Antonym: hardy, hard-hearted, callous, unsympathetic, tough

delicate, soft, loving, affectionate fragile, breakable, frail 
66. Least ( adjective )


Antonym: greatest, most 

slightest, smallest, minimum, minimal, minutest, tiniest, littlest
67. Sighed ( verb )

দীর্ঘশ্বাস ফেলা 


Antonym:Not Applicable

Not Applicable
68. Panic (noun)

আতঙ্ক, ভয় 


Antonym: calm, calmness, relax 

fear, alarm, anxiety, nervousness, fright, trepidation, dread, terror, horror, agitation, hysteria, consternation, perturbation, dismay
69. Seize ( verb )

পাকড়াও করা, বাজেয়াপ্ত করা, গ্রাস করা 

Antonym: relinquish, liberate, release, ransom

grab, grasp, snatch, grip, clutch, take, pluck, arrest, occupy, confiscate 
70. Appear ( verb )

হাজির হওয়া 

Antonym: disappear, vanish

come, arrive, visible, come into view, come into sight, materialize
71. Enormous ( adjective )

প্রচুর, বৃহদাকার 


Antonym: tiny, small 

huge, vast, extensive, expansive, broad, wide
72. Succulent (adjective)



Antonym: dry, shrivelled, unappetizing

juicy, luscious, lush, fleshy, pulpy, soft, tender, fresh, flavoursome, flavourful, tasty, delicious, delectable, palatable, toothsome 
73. Appetizing (adjective) 

মখুেরাচক, ক্ষুধা উদ্রেককারী 


Antonym: bland, unappealing, unappetising 

mouth-watering, inviting, tempting, tasty, succulent, delicious, palatable, delectable, flavoursome, luscious, toothsome 
74. Tickle ( verb )

কুতুকুতু দেয়া, আলতো স্পর্শ করা 


Antonym: hurt, annoy

lightly touch, kittle, lightly prod, chuck
75. Nostril ( noun )

নাক এর ছিদ্র


Antonym: Not Applicable

Not Applicable
76. Faintly ( adverb )

দূর্বল ভাবে


Antonym: strongly, brightly, loudly,extremely 

indistinctly, softly, weakly, feebly 
77. Ingratiating (adjective, verb)

তোষামুদে, উৎসাহে 

Antonym: Not Applicable

Not Applicable
78. Blush ( noun )

লজ্জ্বারূপ হওয়া, আরক্তিম হওয়া 

Antonym: Not Applicable

flush, reddening, high colour, colour, rosiness, bloom
79. Peaches ( noun )

এক ধরনের ফল 


Antonym: Not Applicable

Not Applicable
80. Landscape ( noun )

প্রাকৃতিক ভূদৃশ্য 

Antonym: portrait

scenery, countryside, topography, country, land, terrain, environment outlook, view, panorama 


81. Miserable (adjective)

শোচনিয়, করুণ 


Antonym: happy,contented, luxurious,glorious, lovely 

unhappy, sad, sorrowful, dejected, depressed, downcast, downhearted, despondent, despairing, disconsolate, wretche, gloomy, dismal, melancholic, low-spirited, mournful, woeful, woebegone, doleful, forlorn, crestfallen, broken-hearted, heartbroken, inconsolable, luckless, grief-stricken
82. Inadequate (adjective)



Antonym: adequate, sufficient,competent

insufficient, not enough, deficient, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, sparse, too little, too few, short 
83. Tip ( noun )



Antonym: Not Applicable

pourboire , point, top
84. Rested ( verb )

:নিশ্রান্ত, নিদিষ্ট দিকে তাকােনা 


Antonym: spent,tried

placed, refreshed 
85. Instant (adjective)


Antonym: delayed, long-term 

immediate, instantaneous, prompt, direct, swift, speedy, rapid, quick, expeditious, lightning, sudden, precipitate, abrupt 
86. Mean ( adjective )

নিকৃষ্ট , কৃপণ, হীনমর্যাদাপূর্ণ 


Antonym: generous, extravagant, munificent, palatial 

miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, parsimonious, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, ungenerous, penurious, illiberal, avaricious, Scrooge-like 
87. Retorted (verb) 

প্রতিশোধ মলূক বা চতুর উত্তর দেওয়া 


Antonym: Not Applicable

revenge,pay back 
88. Humorist ( noun )

রিসক, কৗতুক পূর্ণ 

Antonym: Not Applicable

comic writer, comedian, comedienne, joker, jokester, clown, jester
89.Cab (noun) 

ট্রাক্সি বা ঘোড়ার গাড়ি 


Antonym: Not Applicable

cart , carriage, taxi
90. Vindictive (adjective)
Antonym: forgiving 
vengeful, revengeful, avenging, unforgiving, grudge-bearing, resentful, ill-disposed, implacable, unrelenting, acrimonious, bitter, spiteful, mean-spirited, rancorous, venomous, poisonous, malicious, malevolent, malignant, malign, evil, evil-intentioned, nasty, cruel, unkind, ill-natured, baleful 
91. Pardonable (adjective)
ক্ষমা করা যায় এমন
Antonym: inexcusable, unpardonable 
excusable, forgivable, allowable, condonable, minor, slight, venial, not serious, permissible
92. Observe (verb)
পর্যাবেক্ষ করা
Antonym: overlook, disregard, ignore, break 
notice, see, note, perceive, discern, remark, spot, detect, discover, distinguish
93. Complacency (noun)
মনের আনন্দ ,প্রসন্নতা
Antonym: dissatisfaction 
gladness, happiness, delight, smugness, self-satisfaction, self-approval
94. Weigh ( verb )
ওজন হওয়া
Antonym: Not Applicable
heavy, measure, mass, load,
95. Stone (noun)
Antonym: Not Applicable
14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms